Mr. B, While still trying to wrap my brain around the Chapman signing, I am encouraged by the opening for SOME young buck to take over centerfield, discouraged by the trade to a division rival, but relieved when I remember Taylor ain't much of an offensive threat. But oh, that glove.

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Careful trying to make sense of the Chapman deal. Because I don't think you can.

The Royals have had some amazing defense in center throughout their history. Taylor's bat keeps him from joining the list of all-timers, but the elite defense stacks up with some of the best we've seen out there.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Craig Brown

I’m all for trading MAT, but let me get this right. We traded a Gold Glove CF for 2 guys who were readily available in the rule 5 draft, that we chose not to participate in? Seems thin to me.

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It does feel a bit light. But I do think, Gold Glove aside, Taylor profiles as an excellent fourth outfielder on a contending club.

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Why the hate on Aroldis Chapman?

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