Going to opening day this year for the first time since I can't remember when. Baseball!

Without commenting on the economics of it all, I will say that the crossroads site will be nice experience for fans with the park and cap on I-670 coming in a few years. I expect that project will be expanded to Oak probably. Maybe further even.

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I'm incredibly excited about the cap. That alone will do so much for downtown.

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The other day, in the afterglow of the BWJ contract extension, I thought to myself, "With all this excitement for the season, the 10-25 start is going to be really painful." I'm sure I was not the only long-time fan with this thought. That early season schedule breakdown makes me nervous.

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Nothing like a April nosedive to crush all the good vibes that come with a winter of solid activity. You're probably like me and get cold sweats thinking of 1992.

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That was a brutal few weeks.

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