I'm looking forward to the downtown park, but your description of walking into Kauffman in June is poetry. I will definitely miss that place.

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Thanks! I’m very interested to see the process of a new stadium unfold. I think it’s going to move along at an accelerated pace.

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I haven't kept across the move to downtown detail however the memories will last with me forever of Kauffman. My 2023 prediction is a big breakout year for Bobby Witt Jr.

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I'll bank on the breakout for Bobby. Happy new year!

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How about a Drew Waters run at ROY?

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Great piece. And I’m with you on soaking up whatever remaining time we have at The K. It’s a special place for the reasons you mention and more. I believe we’ll experience a positive Royals uptick in 2023 and that Bobby Witt, Jr. is poised to have a breakout season. Let’s go, Royals!

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Thanks, Matt! If you’re right, next summer will be a good one.

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Great post, Craig. I'm partial to the K, not just because it's the Royals home. It's the first park I ever set foot in as a 6 year old, and that night I fell in love with baseball and the Royals. I know the move is inevitable, but I feel compelled to stand up for a ballpark that is still beautiful at age 50.

I am also eager for the season to start. I think the changes will have me paying more attention to the games day to day and less on the process, which so far I am skeptical about.

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It’s a tribute to all involved in the planning and construction that, at 50, it’s still one of the best yards in the majors.

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