Enjoy your post Craig. I don't think Lopez will be moved away from SS. He should win a Gold Glove there this year, so I don't think they will move a Gold Glove winner away from his position. Secondly I think Whit stays at second. He has excelled there this year, and is getting old enough, I don't believe a move to the outfield would be beneficial for him. Mondesi, I think will end up in RF. Kyle Isbel is the best CF option on our roster. I think he will be an above average MLB ball player. Please non tender O'Hearn. Please don't resign Taylor.

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Thanks, Paul!

I think you captured the plethora of defensive options the Royals have. The trick will be to maximize their production defensively. Not sure about Nicky winning the Gold Glove. He will be a finalist for sure, but not all defensive metrics smile upon him.

Taylor isn't a great option but does provide plenty of value with his glove. He's the type of player that can be carried on a club with quality offense around him in the lineup. There are still a lot of "what ifs" in that regard, but I wouldn't be surprised to see the Royals bring him back.

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On Taylor, I wouldn't be surprised, but I sure hope not.

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